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Submit Gene Query
Gene Name Search:
Predicted Genes Only
Filter Gene
Number of Diseases:
Gene Name Search Field
This field is used to filter the set of all human genes originally available under the Gene drop box. Filtering is based on substring matching.
Predicted Genes Only Check Box
This box is used to limit the set of genes to only those human genes on which the predictions can be made (see corresponding publication and the About page for details).
Filter Gene Button
Pressing this button will filter the set of genes based on the string in the Gene Name field and Predicted Genes Only check box.
Number of Diseases Drop Box
This field limits the number of disease terms that are outputted for the query gene.
Gene Drop Box
This field originally contains all genes in our dataset (see About page for details). Executing command Filter Gene will limit this set of available genes based on the field Gene Name and Predicted Genes Only check box. Submit Query operation is executed for the gene whose name shows in the Gene drop box.